Saturday, May 28, 2016

Had The Food Been The Only Medicine?

Food could have been the only medicine for primitives. Today domesticated animals too are given medicine. But the wild one’s may be taking different kind of food, when they feel unwell, to be their medicine. Can the food alone be sufficient to cure illness, or are the medicines compulsive?

Our experience, empirical evidence indicates that medicine is compulsively required at times for wellness.

Hippocrates considered to be the father of the modern or western medicine, is reported to have propounded that “Food is Medicine”; it was his belief that eating wholesome food is the basis for good health. He was quoted to have said- “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

His therapeutic approach was believed to have been based on "the healing power of nature". Again from our experience, it is seen at times that it is the body itself that ultimately or possibly cures itself in most critical cases over any other thing or intervention. This is what we can perceive it to be, when doctors are said to have told relatives of critical ill patients that they did their best and the rest is in god’s hands. That does not mean that doctors stop thinking of giving more suited medicine that they can further think of.

Even Hippocrates as a part of his practice was said to have used potent drugs on certain occasions. This quotation of his - “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity”, might sum this up.  He is believed to have said-“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
Let us give some more quotes of his to place things in a proper perspective or to conclude the issue.

Hippocrates is quoted to have said that- “Walking is man's best medicine.”  It is said that he often used lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise to treat diseases such as diabetes, what is today called as lifestyle medicine. As said above, he did not leave things to life style. Let us sum up his philosophy or science of life by giving another quote of his-“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ”

It was not that he was dilly- dallying or was uncertain or unscientific. It was his love for humanity that made him say all such things, and rightly as we see he is considered as the father of the modern medicine.

We may conclude that unless we take care of ourselves by taking right food do exercise nobody can cure us. And yes when needed unless we take right medicines in time again, nobody can help.

Doctor’s consultations cost and so are the medicines. Here again, the Hippocrates oath to the doctors and right formulations as decided by their training should help all and the humanity. Medicines need not be costly but prescribed in a right manner and should be generic.

“Walking is man's best medicine.” à This quotation is attributed to Hippocrates, Father of Modern medicine.   It is said that he often used lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise to treat diseases such as diabetes, what is today called as lifestyle medicine. That does not mean that he was against the medicines. In fact he indicated that medicines serve humanity.

“Food is Medicine” à Father of Modern medicine Hippocrates, was supposed to have said- “Food is Medicine”. He is further quoted as -“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”  But that does not mean that he advocated against the medicines and they are to be used as needed in right earnest when needed.


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