Thursday, January 24, 2013

Eat More Healthy Food

Nutrition Tips: No Need to Say "No"


Coconut is wholesome. Every part of it can be used. Coconut has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that can be useful to the body.


Groundnuts has antioxidants which very few plants have and it is called reservetol. It has properties that can burn the stubborn fat in your bodies. Eating some peanuts will keep the heart healthy. It helps you mobilise the fat deposited areas that needs to be worked on.


Rice is a must-have. Grown regionally, eat rice as it has methionine needed for lustrous hair. If you are dieting and cutting out rice, you will notice how the diet leads to hairfall. Always check for rice with red lines on them. That is the rice you should be eating.


Always add ghee in your food. Ghee or clarified butter increases the immunity needed in a body. It should be an integral part of your diet as it increases the flexibility needed for bones. It is also an important anti-ageing agent. Make it at home to avoid impuritie

Eye Care Tips

Eye Care Tips::

  1. Wash your eyes with cold water at regular intervals.
  2. Eat foods rich in vitamins like papaya, egg, fish, milk, green leafy vegetables.
  3. Increase your water intake.
  4. Use slices of cucumber and potato regularly to reduce the dark circles under your eyes.
  5. Blink often or close your eyes to relax the eye muscles.
  6. Take a short nap to reduce the puffiness in the eyes.
  7. Get regular eye-check ups done.
  8. Wear proper sun glasses.
  9. Foods rich in vitamin A helps reduce the risk of night- blindness and cataract. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Keep Your Diet Simple:

To achieve good health keep your diet as simple as possible. The way you eat is more important than the variety. Eat foods that you enjoy.

Drink Green Tea:

Green tea helps you to build strong bones and protect you from broken bones in your old age.

Burn More Calories:

You should burn more/extra (calories) than you eat to become overweight. These calories do not have nutritional values.

Drink 2-3 Glasses of Milk in a Day:

As per study and research, group of people who drink the most milk in a day have lower risk of heart diseases than people who drink the milk least.

Do not look for Diet Perfection:

Instead of perfect diet look for diet which gives you satisfaction and happiness. Do not sacrifice your diet instead always try to eat your favorite foods.


Papaya - A Rich Source Of Minerals And Fibre

Papaya - A Rich Source Of Minerals And Fibre : 

Papaya has high nutritional benefits. It is rich in Anti-oxidants, Minerals and Fibre. It also helps in Skin Treatments.

Mangoes Are Rich In Iron And Vitamins

Mangoes Are Rich In Iron And Vitamins: 

Mangoes supply ample potassium, making them ideal for hypertensive patients or anyone looking to replenish energy after physical activity

Cauliflower Is Good For The Heart And Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Cauliflower Is Good For The Heart And Reduces The Risk Of Cancer: 

Cauliflower is highly nutritious and is effective in curing many ailments. It is rich in folate and is good for pregnant woman.

Beetroots Rich In Potassium And Fiber

Beetroots Rich In Potassium And Fiber:

Beetroots contains good amount of folate, potassium and manganese. They are less in calories and are effective in curing skin problems.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Egg A Nutritious Food

Egg Is A Healthy And Nutritious Food. Lecithin In Eggs Prevents The Absorption Of Cholesterol Of Egg And Other Sources Too.

Cabbage Helps Cure Ulcers And Prevents Colon Cancer

Cabbage is a well known common vegetable. Its is low in calories and is long known for its healing properties.

Tomatoes Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack

Tomatoes reduce the risk of heart attack: Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hidden Allergens in Foods

Hidden Allergens in Foods :

Deaths in children, adolescents, and adults who ingested foods to which they were highly allergic have been reported.1,2 These deaths are often caused by a "hidden" ingredient in the food to which the individual is allergic.1,3 Yunginger1 suggests that in the United States, more children and adolescents die annually as a result of food-induced anaphylaxis than as a result of insect stings. The majority of these deaths are due to severe allergy to peanut and nuts, and asthma appears to be an important risk factor for this form of allergy.2

Problems relating to some specific foods


Tomatoes For Skin Problems

Tomatoes are a staple in every kitchen but hardly anyone extols its cosmetic benefits. Whether you want to cure large pores, reduce acne and rashes or simple revive the glow, tomatoes are very beneficial.
Vitamins A and C are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C and K. Cut a tomato in half and apply the inside on ur face. Leave it on for an hour, rinse and moisturize.
Crush a fresh tomato, make a little cucumber juice and add it to the tomato juice. Apply this juice to control excessive Oiliness.
Crush half a tomato and mix it with 2 tbsp of plain yoghurt. Apply this mix on ur face, neck, hands and feet. Wash it off after 20 mins.
Mix Honey with Tomato juice until you gets a thick paste. Apply this mixture and wash off after 15 mins for smooth and glowing skin.
Big Pores provide easy access to dirt, thus increasing the chances of infection. Take a tablespoon of fresh tomato juice and 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice to this. Massage it in circular motions into ur skin. Leave it on about 15 mins and then wash off with cool water.


Health benefit of Apple-

Monday, May 28, 2012

What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health?

Health is a positive concept emphasised in social & personal resources as well as physical capacities.Thus health is the level of functional efficiency of a living being. There is a saying in english that ''Health is wealth''. According to the WHO a health is a state of complete physical,mental & social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. There are three key determinance of an individual health such as live style,environment and bio-medical.

The recent study suggested that people can improve there health through exercise enough sleep,maintaining a healthy body weight,avoiding alcohol and smoking. However the ability to adapt and to self manage has been suggested as core components of human health. The environment is ofen cited as an important factor influencing the health status of individuals which includes characterstics of the natural environment,the build environment and the social environment.

In this regards it is also suggested that factors like clean air & water,adequate housing and self communities and roads all have been found to contribute to good health especially the health of infants and children. In this context genetic or inherited traits from parents also play a pivotal role in determining the health status of individual from his habits and behaviours through life style of their families. For ex.:- genetics may play a role in the manner in which people cope with stress,either mental,emotional or physical.

Acheiving and  maintaining health is an ungoing process shaped by both the evolution of health care,knowledge and practise as well as personal startegies  and organised intervensions for staying healthy. Health science and health care are the branch of science.Health science and health care are the branch of science which have the great positive impact on public health through various health care systems includes areas of maternal.

Child health services administration,emergency response and prevention of infectious and chronic disease but self care startegies is the best on the active,passive and assisted cues people observe and adopt about their own health.Further relaxation is necessary to maintain ones own health. So that we can say that a healthy mind is a healthy body and one must avoid the unnecessary things in his mind which create unnecessary stress and anxitey.


"Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body.  Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society."

  • H ave fun and avoid bad habits.
  • O bserve nature socitey and self...
  • W ork,walk and watch the world...
  • T ake food,water and fresh air...
  • O mit wrongfull acts...
  • K eep the environment clean...
  • E at fresh food and vegies...
  • E nd stress and anxitey...
  • P roceed for the prosperity...
  • H elp oothers to keep healthy...
  • E ducation is must for health care...
  • A lways do some exercises...
  • L ead the world to modernisation...
  • T o you as the health is wealth...
  • H ave sleep and health startegies...
  • Y et others become surprised...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Tips in Life that Lead to Happiness

Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. 

If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy. Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

  1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for attaining Happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers.
  2. Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value.
  3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.
  4. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.
  5. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
  6. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
  7. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
  8. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
  9. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness.
  10. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness. Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire.

Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. I try to incorporate the tips above into my life and have had great success in achieving happiness. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What is Yoga Meditation & Health ?

What is yoga is the question which must be satisfactorily explored by anybody keen on yoga. Yoga is an ancient system for health of mind and body developed over the centuries by the Sages of India. It acts as a means of self purification to achieve oneness with supreme creator. Fortunately, this technique in its simplified form can be easily incorporated into our busy schedules to benefit mind and body. The goal of yoga is to calm the mind so that our soul expresses itself. 

Yoga, its origins and how it all began. We have included a time line for you to see its evolution, and how it has become the phenomenon it is now. Find out where it began and who practiced it first. It is a fact that the more you learn about Yoga, the more you will like it and the easier it will be for you to understand what is behind every pose, idea and concept that you have heard about but sometimes haven’t quite understood.

Learn about Bikram Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and Kundalini. These variations of Yoga represent the basic concept of Yoga and promise to be as useful as interesting for the person who is just getting to know about this art or for those who simply want to know more about it. Be able to compare them and see how different or similar they are.

In terms of benefits you will have a whole chapter to be aware of the many physical benefits, in terms of flexibility, breathing techniques, and more. Get rid of all those stress symptoms and forget about anxiety and mental tiredness that are so common in our nowadays society. Whenever people look for different alternatives to be healthy, they are exposed to a lot of options that sometimes are nothing more than just good intentions. With Yoga, if an art like this has passed the test of time so successfully and has gotten even more successful, and even in the western world.

Now, why did we decide to write a separate chapter on meditation even when it is part of Yoga? Meditation is such an important aspect of Yoga, the part of Yoga that addresses the mental part, that the emphasis on this topic was really necessary. Learn more about meditation techniques, purposes, and other important information.

Like it was mentioned before, Yoga is a whole lot more than simply postures, it is a whole philosophy of life that involves values and of course eating habits as well. Read more about how food can really make a difference in our quality of life from more than one perspective. A healthy vegetarian diet can work wonders on a person’s health. We have related the topic of healthy food to Yoga as a very important integration of mind and body.

Finally, a chapter on Yoga dogs, or what has been called Doga (dog+yoga), in which you will learn about how dog owners are starting to take their pets to yoga classes more and more. It is a well known fact that our pets can suffer from stress and other “human” conditions, so why not give them the opportunity to use our own remedies.

You are now officially in Yoga territory, go ahead and take advantage of all the information we have compiled for you and become a Yoga. Meditation and Health expert.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Easy Weight Loss Diet Tips For Change Your Life Today?

There are many dimensions to Health and wellness.In fact it is the combination of many things such as good diet,exercise,maintaining the right body weight,clean and healthy environment,correct life style,positive thinking and the ability to make the right health choices regarding medications, your physician etc...

In my opinion,to lead a happy and healthy life you need the following.
  1. Physical health.
  2. Mental and emotional health.
  3. Financial health.
  4. Spiritual health.
Only when you have all the above in ample measure you can have happiness and fulfillment in life. I thought about my problem and decided to do something fast on a war footing as my condition was worsening by the day. I became obsessed with my overweight and obesity. I read whatever credible and genuine book came my way on the topic of Weight Loss and fat control.

I chose the books and medical journals written by persons who are well respected experts and knowledgeable on the topics of weight loss and fat loss solutions. I decided to undergo a weight loss experiment which I planned with the help of my family doctor. I surfed the web for information about weight loss tips and fat loss solutions.

Weight Loss Tips: 10 Painless Ways to Lose Weight:-

Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day

Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

Watch for Portion Size

One serving of pasta means 1/2 cup of cooked pasta. However, most restaurants serve a pasta dish with 4 servings of pasta!!! You do not need to finish and clean off the plate every time. You can simply ask to take home the leftover.

Do not Skip Meals

Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day.

Go for wholesome fresh foods

If possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. Many people we spoke to are amazed that they can easily Lose Weight by packing a home-cooked lunch to work instead of eating out.

Don't be overly-restrictive

Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for the frequency and the quantity. Having a small treat once in a while can be rewarding to your weight loss experience. Cutting too much of your favorite treats usually lead to an early relapse.

Understand Food Claims and Labels

A product labelled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labelled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging.

Watch for the sugary drinks

Juices, soda, cream & sugar in your coffee or tea all add up. Opt for drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.

Keep a food journal

Keeping a food journal helps you pin point your eating pattern and will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have your Registered Dietitian review your journal.

Exercise, period

Most authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Body Scrubs Are A Great Way To Keep Your Skin

Using body scrub is a great way to acquire soft skin. Natural body scrubs are a combination of organic ingredients which require massaging your body once in a week or two. This greatly helps to remove dead cells, energize your skin and offer slow aging of your skin.

Antiox body scrubs effectively treat your skin and provide long lasting young and healthy skin. The ingredients composing Body Scrub consist of vitamin A and E in appropriate proportion necessary to keep the skin baby soft. The natural ingredients present in body scrubs are as follows:

  1. Jojoba oil- It’s the natural liquid wax similar to sebum that can be efficiently absorbed by skin and makes the skin soft and supple.
  2. Grape seed oil - Grape seed oil is also easily absorbed by skin without leaving any greasy film over the skin and helps in smoothing and firming the skin.
  3. Almond oil – Very helpful for dry skin. It nourishes the skin because it contains valuable moisturizing agents in majority. Almond oil speedily stimulates the cell renewal process and therefore tightens the skin rapidly.
  4. Olive oil – It’s a valuable natural antioxidant which slows down the process of natural aging and initiates the process of continuous cell generation.
  5. Apricot extract - Apricot contains several rich ingredients which give skin fresh and pleasant feeling.
  6. Shea butter – It is full of cosmetic and body care properties, very well suited to all type of skin. It soothes your sensitive skin and reduces the fine lines.

Natural body scrubs have an advantage that there are no side effects of using them for Body Peeling unlike cosmetic body scrubs. Natural body scrubs not only make skin look healthy but it also remains the same for an extended period of time. Stay healthy by using skin friendly products.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Some Information About Prada Fashion

Women having the shapeliest of all forms have been exalted by Muiccia. The dolly bird of the 1960s, flapper of the 1920’s and the silhouette that was straight-up-and-down along with the dropped waist were opted for by Muiccia. Over sheer shifts and dresses in coat designs having buttons that were big, belts that were wide in size characterize the Prada Fall collection.

It is for the emancipation of females that the fashion house designs. In modern fashion, an important quintessence - the block print, is now part of the collection. Besides clothing, Miuccia has gleefully indulged in the making of Designer Shoes and bags as well. Shoes from the brand in particular have been provocative enough and the boots are noteworthy making it to the headlines of the fashion world; especially those that are offered in knee high as well as high heeled combinations.

With big lapels the Python is cut into fur and the coats have been styled in the cocoon like design of the twenties. Scales in plastic that were really kind of huge pursed stylize the outfits in series in the Python, with the angle of reptiles foremost in all designs. Not all audiences are able to figure whether the designs are mermaid outfits or serpent outfits! Whatever the case, the finale stood out gorgeously with the designs that encapsulated the designer who aimed at glamour that was truly innocent.

The kind of elements used in the Prada Fall 2011 Preview Collection is one of a kind. They do not readily gel with other common elements used extensively on the ramp. Style for women has been interpreted in the clutch bags the models held close to their chests; so ladylike. Another element used is shields, in the woman’s clothing collection.

All this keeps the audience wondering what the Prada Fall has to offer in the next collection! Miucica, in the world of fashion has taken clichés of glamour from the world of women by making the best use of the pink color, different kinds of furs, snake skins as well as sequins. Introduction of these in a unique way has made the designs appear as innocent as ever, once again. Passion has been well challenged in all her designs.
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